The Wisconsin Watercolor Society was founded in 1952 by a group of Wisconsin artists. It was the first Wisconsin art organization to be devoted exclusively to watercolor painting. Its purpose now as then has always been to demonstrate and exhibit meaningful development in the medium of watercolor and to serve as a catalyst for those genuinely interested in watercolor.

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Our Constitution

of the Wisconsin Watercolor Society

Article I.


The name of this organization shall be the Wisconsin Watercolor Society. It shall be a not for profit organization.

Its general purpose shall be to advance the art of watercolor painting. Specific objectives shall include the recognition and encouragement of talent in the field of watercolor painting, the demonstration of creative development in the watercolor medium and to serve as a focus for those who are seriously interested in its application and exhibition.

Article II.

Officers and Committee Chairs, the Board of Directors

The board of Directors shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President. Committees shall include Membership, Exhibits, Publicity and such special assignments as deemed necessary.

Officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Society by a majority vote of those in attendance. The term of office shall be one year, with no limitations in consecutive terms or re-election to office.

The officers and committee chairpersons shall constitute the Board of Directors. It is recommended that the immediate past president become an Advisor automatically each year to assure continuity of programs from one administration to the next by being available to offer advice and consultation as needed on matters of the organization. It is also recommended that new officers come from the Board of Directors and that the president seek new committee chairpersons from the membership to develop new organization leaders.

Board meetings shall be called by the President and scheduled four times a year or more, as activities require.

Article III.


The memberships of the Society shall consist of active members only. An active member is one who participates in the Society’s exhibitions and is not delinquent in dues.

New members shall be added by their applications to join. They may also be proposed by any active member or by application directly to the Membership Committee. The Committee shall screen all candidates for activity and talent in the watercolor medium and submit its recommendations to the Board of Directors. Prospective members shall then be invited to furnish images of their recent watercolors.

They shall then be elected by a majority vote of the board members.

Article IV.

Dues and Roster

Annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors, based upon the minimum amount necessary for the efficient operation of the Society. They shall be billed in December and payable by the end of the following month, January.

Paid-up members shall receive a copy of the latest Roster, or membership list, as soon as possible after payment of dues. Only paid-up members shall be listed in the Roster and the Society’s website.

Inactivity and delinquency in dues of members shall be acted upon by the Board of Directors.

Article V.


The Exhibit Committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall arrange for at least two major exhibits by the Society membership each year. Exhibits shall be programmed well in advance and scheduled for Art Museums, Fine Arts Galleries and other appropriate locations throughout the state. Entries may be limited to two, three, or more paintings per member, depending upon the size of the exhibit space.

Article VI.


The Annual Meeting shall be held in the spring and include the entire membership. Election of officers shall be conducted at this meeting. Special meetings shall be called at any time by the President. Passage of any measure at any general meeting shall be by majority vote of the members present. Balloting may also be done by mail or email at the discretion of the President.

All members are welcome to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors.